Getting active at any time of day can have health benefits, but it can also expose you to potential pitfalls. The key is to find the right time to exercise based on how you feel and how it fits into your schedule.
Some people swear that the best time to start working out is in the morning, while others only entertain the idea of doing it after work. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find the time to exercise between work and family obligations.
Generally, getting up early and engaging in a good morning exercise has an edge as it can help boost your energy and improve your mood. It can also help you feel better and more alert throughout the day. Morning workouts are also one of the best ways to lose weight; they will help burn stored fat and keep you feeling great throughout the day.
Because of life commitments, many of us choose to work out at a certain time of the day. But, contrary to popular belief, working out at the time of day can affect your fitness goals.
If you plan on losing weight and improving your performance, a morning session may be the best time to start working out.
Advantages of Working Out in the Morning
According to multiple studies, regular morning exercise can help people feel better and more energized. It can also sway some night owls to get in shape.
You’ll feel great about finishing your workout before starting your day. This will also give you a sense of accomplishment, as some people won’t get it done all day. Working out early can also allow you to relax and enjoy the company of friends.
Studies support the idea of working out in the morning. For example, a study conducted by Science in Sports and Exercise revealed that women were less likely to be distracted by food photos after they started their day by walking for 45 minutes.
After following a morning exercise program, the participants were more active throughout the day. They also burned more calories as they went through their daily routines. The additional benefits of working out in the morning include increased metabolism.
Studies suggest that working out late at night could affect your sleep. Doing so could increase your body temperature and heart rate, preventing you from getting the proper amount of sleep. These findings support the idea of starting a regular exercise program early in the morning.
Another benefit of starting a morning exercise program is that it can increase the amount of fat burning in the body. According to researchers, individuals who exercise on an empty stomach burn about 20% of their body fat.
Morning Workouts Tend to Help Controlling Your Appetite
A study conducted in 2020 suggested that regular exercise in the morning can help people lose weight. It also lowers their appetite. A 2012 study found that people tend to get more energy out of exercise when they start their day in the morning.
A 2019 study revealed that regular exercise in the morning could improve concentration and attention. It also helps people make better decisions throughout the day.
Performing a regular exercise routine can improve concentration and focus. It can also help you get through the day mentally.
For the study, participants were asked to sit for an average of 8 hours a day without a break for 30 minutes. They also took short walking breaks every 30 minutes.
Getting active can also help lower stress levels. This is because it can stimulate the release of chemicals in the brain that are known to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
Getting active in the morning can help start the day on the right note. It can also give you an optimistic outlook on the day.
Morning Workouts Tend to Help Burn More Calories
Working out before breakfast can help individuals lose weight. A study conducted in 2015 suggested that 24-hour fat burn can be maximized by performing exercise before breakfast.
A fast and light exercise before breakfast can help boost one’s energy levels and burn more fat. However, it’s important to remember that being hungry and weak can prevent one from achieving a good burn.
A 2015 study suggests regular morning exercise can help people lose weight. It found that those who exercised in the morning burned more fat than those who did it in the afternoon.
A study revealed that when people exercise on an empty stomach, they burn more fat than when they exercise after a meal. This phenomenon occurs because the body uses its fat stores to fuel exercise instead of relying on food.
Morning Workouts Have Fewer Distractions
It’s also important to start your exercise routine before breakfast to avoid getting distracted by other activities. A busy morning can make it hard to maintain a steady and effective exercise.
Getting up early for a morning exercise can help you avoid getting distracted by phone calls, emails, and other electronic activities. It can also help you focus on the task at hand.
Getting up early and working out in the morning can help people maintain a regular schedule. It allows them to skip late-night excuses and work on their day instead.
Morning Workouts Can Improve Your Sleep
Getting up early can be a bit challenging, but research suggests that regular exercise can help boost a person’s circadian rhythm and help them fall asleep earlier. Morning exercise can also help boost deep sleep, which can help facilitate muscle growth.
According to Bowen, regular exercise in the morning can also help improve one’s quality of sleep. For example, in a 2019 study, researchers discovered that people who exercise at 7 a.m. tend to have a better night’s sleep.
Getting enough rest is also beneficial for people trying to maintain their healthy habits. However, for some, working out too close to bedtime can affect their sleep.
Getting up early to exercise can help you get a good night’s rest. A study conducted in 2014 suggested that adults who exercised at 7 a.m. were more productive than those who didn’t exercise.
After a morning workout, participants were more likely to spend time in deep sleep. They also woke up less frequently. Getting up early also helps boost the levels of melatonin, which is a sleep-promoting hormone.
Morning Workouts Tend to Help Regulate Blood Sugar
A study shows that morning exercises help boost the body’s ability to metabolize sugar and fat. This could mean they’re especially beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.
Getting active is important for people with type 1 diabetes. However, it can be challenging to maintain a regular exercise routine due to the risk of hypoglycemia.
A study conducted in 2015 revealed that regular morning exercise could help lower the risk of hypoglycemia. The study participants performed two sets of treadmill sessions. The results showed that the morning sessions led to a lower risk of hypoglycemia.
The researchers believe that the stress-relieving effects of exercise on the body’s natural response to hypoglycemia may be due to the stress hormone cortisol.
One in 3 adults in the US has high blood pressure. Getting active is one of the best ways to control it. However, a small study published in 2014 suggests that regular exercise in the morning may be the best way to lower blood pressure.
For the study, 20 prehypertensive adults participated in three sessions on a treadmill. They were then monitored with a medical device to see how their blood pressure responded.
Morning Workouts Can Help You Be More Productive
Since sleep is the time when our bodies are most active, we must get enough sleep to allow our bodies to consume all of the nutrients they need during the day. Unfortunately, this is also why many people start sluggishly after a morning exercise.
According to a study, regular exercise can improve a person’s energy levels and alertness. It can also help them focus and make better decisions at work.
Morning exercise is a great way to start each day, as it can help boost your mood and set you up for an optimistic day. It can also help you feel accomplished after completing a task.
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When is the Best Time to Work Out?
Getting in shape is best when you can, and it’s usually best to do it whenever you can. But, unfortunately, some people don’t have time to work out that much.
If you only have time to exercise before work, the morning is the best time to get in shape. If you reserve it for packed evenings, you’ll never get around to it.
If you can only exercise for 20 minutes before you get ready for bed, that’s the best time to start working out. However, the best time to exercise is the time that you can stick with for several weeks or months.
If you only have 20 minutes at night, then try to find a way to fit some exercise into your morning schedule. For instance, if you go to bed around 20 minutes earlier, wake up 20 minutes earlier.
According to research, regular exercise can improve a person’s fitness and weight loss in the long term. It can also help keep the body in shape by adapting to a training schedule.
Although there’s a lot of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of regular exercise, there are also some disadvantages to morning or night workouts.

Austin is the author of and a personal trainer with extensive knowledge in nutrition. Austin is passionate about helping others to find a suitable healthy lifestyle and feel good about themselves. Austin’s goal is to help people push their limits and achieve their physical performance.